Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Shapiro, Dan
Smith, Joanie
First Performance 1987
Finnish premiere 1987
Performers of the premiere Tarja Rinne, Jens Wallentinsson, Markku Nenonen, Janice Redman, Katri Soini, Ulla Mirsch
Actors/Singers: Eija Ahvo, Ulla Tapaninen, Timo Toikka, Tomi Samelä
Music composed for the work Joe Davidow
Other Information Musicians: Joe Davidow, Jim Pembroke, Make Leivonen, Reiska Laine, Jone Takamäki
Dancers Soini, Katri (1987)
Mirsch, Ulla (1987)
Nenonen, Markku (1987)
Rinne, Tarja (1987)
Walentinsson, Jens (1987)
Redman, Janice (1987)