Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Hupulla huputettu

Choreographer Yli-Viikari, Outi
First Performance 9.11.2013
Place of First Performance Hällä Stage, Tampere
Finnish premiere 9.11.2013
Place of Premiere Hällä Stage, Tampere
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 45
Lighting Designer Alpo Nummelin, Elina Nopanen
Sound designer Jaakko Pimperi
Performers of the premiere Rea-Liina Brunou, Noora Nenonen, Outi Yli-Viikari
Music composed for the work Jaakko Pimperi
Dancers Brunou, Rea-Liina (2013)
Nenonen, Noora (2013)
Yli-Viikari, Outi (2013)