Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Lindfors, Sonya
First Performance 11.10.2013
Place of First Performance Cultural Centre Valve, Oulu
Finnish premiere 11.10.2013
Place of Premiere Cultural Centre Valve, Oulu
Style Contemporary Dance
Other Style street dance
Duration (min) 60
Scenography Ville Aunola
Lighting Designer Ville Aunola
Sound designer Jussi Österman
Performers of the premiere Julian Owusu, Teemu Tuohimaa, Paula Puumalainen, Mia Jaatinen, Taru Miettinen
Other Information Production: JoJo – Oulun Tanssin Keskus
Dancers Owusu, Julian (2013)
Tuohimaa, Teemu (2013)
Puumalainen, Paula (2013)
Jaatinen, Mia (2013)
Miettinen, Taru (2013)