Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Katinas, Andrius
First Performance 17.10.2013
Place of First Performance Zodiak – Centre for New Dance, Cable Factory, Helsinki
Finnish premiere 17.10.2013
Place of Premiere Zodiak – Centre for New Dance, Cable Factory, Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Performers of the premiere Andrius Katinas
Description Working mostly as a performer or collaborative choreographer, Andrius Katinas confronts creative solitude to examine the concept of work. With artistic practice and an ”out of studio” based process he navigates between multilayered themes of the piece and attempts to stage himself.

Work is a portrait of a person while it remains a landscape of structures.

Between work as a phenomenon in general and work as a personal experience, lies fracture and fusion. Both inhabit the person they remind about exploitation, personal memories, efficiency and self-reflection.
Other Information The work was a part of a double-bill evening with Neljän tarinan vuori (A Mountain of Four Stories) by Ervi Sirén.
Assistant: Saara Töyrylä
Production: Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Andrius Katinas
Companies Zodiak - The Center for New Dance
Dancers Katinas, Andrius (2013)