Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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First Performance 18.8.2013
Place of First Performance Helsinki
Finnish premiere 18.8.2013
Place of Premiere Helsinki
Style Contemporary Dance
Other Style art walking tour
Duration (min) 120
Description "Walkapolis leads you down unique routes and rarely trodden side paths of the city. Along the walking routes are displayed startling miniature works by various artists, including performances, music and dance. You may choose between two different tours that portray Helsinki in different ways. One route takes you to the concrete jungle of Kallio’s alleys while the other shows the wild mid-city nature of Eläintarha. In Walkapolis private and public spaces as well as experiences of art and the city comment on each other vividly.
Other Information Direction: Maija Hirvanen
Guides: Niina Sillanpää, Miikka Tuominen
Visiting artists: Ville Ahonen, Mia Habib, Tellervo Kalleinen, Steinunn Ketilsdóttir
Created with: Christopher Hewitt, Pietari Mikkonen, Liisa Oikkonen, Riikka Pelo, Aki-Pekka Sinikoski, Hanna Suominen, Tuomo Tammenpää
Photos: Aki-Pekki Sinikoski
Production: Fyysillisen aikalaistaiteen ystävät ry, Zodiak – Center for New Dance
In Co-operation with: Helsinki Festival
Coordination: Arts Management Helsinki
Supported by: Koneen säätiö, Kulturkontakt Nord
Companies Zodiak - The Center for New Dance