Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Heart piece

Choreographer Torkkel, Anna
First Performance 19.10.2012
Place of First Performance Kutomo, Turku
Finnish premiere 19.10.2012
Place of Premiere Kutomo, Turku
Style Contemporary Dance
Performers of the premiere Anna Torkkel
Description Heart piece is Anna Torkkel’s solo piece on heart. The performance focuses on understanding and imagining the complexity of speed, rhythm and space through movement and moving. Performance attempts to physicalize an abstraction using for instance being, affect and the other as its material. Instead of presenting a certain claim or posing a question the piece aims to open a door for simplicity and give an opportunity to more experiential connection between the performer and the audience. In this performance movement and physical expression of the performer are playing the main roles.
Other Information Concept: Anna Torkkel
Direction: Tashi Iwaoka, Anna Torkkel
Video: Elina Minn
Production: Ehkä-production, Anna Torkkel, working group
Companies Ehkä-production
Dancers Torkkel, Anna (2012)