Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Aura, Päivi
First Performance 27.1.2009
Place of First Performance Taidetalo Pikku-Aurora, Espoo
Finnish premiere 27.1.2009
Place of Premiere Taidetalo Pikku-Aurora, Espoo
Duration (min) 30
Scenography Työryhmä (Work group)
Costume designer Työryhmä (Work group)
Lighting Designer Topi Petänen
Sound designer Topi Petänen
Performers of the premiere Lieve Hermans, Kati Aura, Päivi Aura
Music composed for the work Philippe-Marcel iung
Description Me-Me is a interactive dancepiece for 0-3 years old children.
Companies Tanssiteatteri Auraco
Dancers Aura, Kati
Aura, Päivi
Hermans, Lieve