Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Tuittila, Satu
First Performance 27.10.2006
Place of First Performance Manilla, Turku
Finnish premiere 27.10.2006
Place of Premiere Manilla, Turku
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 25
Costume designer Marjo Haapasalo
Sound designer Mikko Väärälä
Music composed for the work Mikko Väärälä
Description "Dance and space for tranquility, sensitivity and association. Movement material is inspired by elements of nature" (Source: programme)
Other Information Nature recording: Harri Wallenius, mentor: Liisa Pentti.
Satuja is the second part of a solo dance series. The first part of the series, Noita naisia, was a collaboration with director Untamo Lepola.
The work was premiered as a part of a double-bill, which consisted of the works Kantamus and Satuja.
Production: Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland, AB Dance Company.
Dancers Tuittila, Satu (2006)