Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kirjonen, Juha
First Performance 12.5.2005
Place of First Performance The Finnish National Opera, Almi Hall
Finnish premiere 12.5.2005
Place of Premiere The Finnish National Opera, Almi Hall
Style Contemporary Dance
Scenography Juha Kirjonen
Costume designer Juha Kirjonen
Lighting Designer Vesa Pohjolainen
Sound designer Juha Kirjonen
Music composed for the work Juha Kirjonen: Storm
Description Flight of the feather, bending in the wind, standing straight and sing until the en without wings
Other Information The work was premiered as a part of the Ballet Workshop evening which consisted of the works Aamu 142, Absence, Feather, Päivä 351, gets me going, Ilta 607, Telegram, Yö 899 ja Heidi Niityllä.
Companies Finnish National Ballet
Dancers Komori, Mai (2005)