Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Rauhaluoto, Jattamarie
First Performance 29.8.2000
Place of First Performance Turku Art Museum, Finland
Finnish premiere 29.8.2000
Place of Premiere Turku Art Museum
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 35
Scenography Jattamarie Rauhaluoto
Costume designer Jattamarie Rauhaluoto
Performers of the premiere Jattamarie Rauhaluoto, Inari Salmivaara, Susanne Höglin, Riia Tammisto and Janette Rauhaluoto.
Dancers Rauhaluoto, Jattamarie (2000)
Salmivaara, Inari (2000)
Kurkinen, Jenni (2000)
Höglin, Susanne (2000)
Tammisto, Riia (2000)
Rauhaluoto, Janette (2000)
Sandelin, Elina (2000)