Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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In period of time


Choreographer Gustavson, Leena
First Performance 4.11.1988
Place of First Performance Stoa The Cultural Centre of Eastern Helsinki
Finnish premiere 4.11.1988
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 60
Scenography Leena Gustavson, Jukka Gustavson, Kalle Aaltonen
Costume designer Leena Gustavson
Lighting Designer Jukka Gustavson, Kalle Aaltonen
Music composed for the work Jukka Gustavson
Description The dancer moves through the colour worlds of the four seasons. The work represents feministic point of views to images and sounds.
Other Information Musicians: Jukka Gustavson, Mikko-Ville Luolajan-Mikkola, Seppo Siirala.
Dancers Gustavson, Leena (1988)