Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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The Magic Box

Choreographer Kumpuniemi, Anniina
First Performance 6.9.2003
Place of First Performance Koskikeskus, Tampere
Finnish premiere 6.9.2003
Place of Premiere Koskikeskus, Tampere
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 20
Performers of the premiere Suvi Eloranta, Anniina Kumpuniemi.
Description Two ordinary thieves find a map and head for the treasure. They find the Magic Box, which is capable of conjuring up all kinds of characters and visions.
Companies Dance Theatre MD (Mobita/Dansco)
Dancers Eloranta, Suvi (2003)
Kumpuniemi, Anniina (2003)
Jakowleva-Mäkelä, Elina (2003)
Jakowleva-Mäkelä, Elina