Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Kirjonen, Juha
First Performance 11.2.2000
Place of First Performance Finnish National opera, Almi Hall
Finnish premiere 11.2.2000
Place of Premiere Finnish National opera, Almi Hall
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 15
Scenography Juha Kirjonen
Costume designer Juha Kirjonen
Lighting Designer Juha Kirjonen
Sound designer Petteri Laukkanen
Music composed for the work Juha Kirjonen
Description The romantic realm of shadows prevailing in the relationship between man and woman.
Other Information Drums, cuica, guitar: Juha Kirjonen; keyboards: Otto Korhonen (on the tape). Number of dancers: 8.
Companies Finnish National Ballet
Dancers Erdinc, Özen (2000)
Lindell, Anu (2000)
Lönnroth, Anneke (2000)
Nemethová, Andrea (2000)
Tolppa, Tanja (2000)
Eerola, Jaakko (2000)
Lukjanov, Maksim (2000)
Äikiö, Eemu (2000)