Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Choreographer Vuori, Miira
First Performance 27.1.2002
Place of First Performance Studio ERI, Turku
Finnish premiere 27.1.2002
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 10
Scenography Miira Vuori
Costume designer Tuula Laine
Lighting Designer Miira Vuori, Sani Liljenbäck
Other Information Production: Dance Theatre ERI. The work was performed as part of evening called Vapaapaini (Free wrestling). The evening consisted of three works, all the result of a choreography workshop.
Dancers Rouhiainen, Leena (2002)
Zilberman, Aleksander (2002)
Elomaa, Ira (2002)
Isoaho, Johanna (2002)
Kosola, Riikka (2002)
Lindén, Anna-Stina (2002)