Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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picture178.jpg In the picture: Inka Tiitinen, Tommi Kitti
Photo: Valtteri Raekallio
picture179.jpg In the picture: Tommi Kitti, Inka Tiitinen
Photo: Valtteri Raekallio


Choreographer Kitti, Tommi
First Performance 6.10.2000
Finnish premiere 6.10.2000
Style Contemporary Dance
Duration (min) 20
Lighting Designer Harri Peltonen
Sound designer Ville Hukkinen, Sampo Lassila
Music composed for the work Ville Hukkinen, Sampo Lassila
Description A sensual duo, in which the concentrated, intense expression of the two dancers creates powerful emotions on the stage.
Companies Tommi Kitti & Co
Dancers Tiitinen, Inka (2000)
Kitti, Tommi (2000)
Soini, Katri (2003)