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Jännes, Laura
Date of birth | 22.10.1967 |
Profession |
Dancer Choreographer human resources manager |
Country | Finland | | |
Training | Theatre Academy of Finland, Dance pedagogue's studies in vocational pedagogy (40 credits) 1993-1996; BA, Luther College, Decorah Iowa, USA 1988-1991. |
Choreographed |
Join the Move (1990) Tanssia Tuusulan rantatiellä (1994) Priestesses of Vespa (1995) The Shadowless (1996) Tapaus Ellipsi (1998) in the middle of (1999) Dots II (2001) Dotted Lines II (10.11.2001) Search, replace, save (25.8.2001) Neljäs maisema (21.11.2003) H on verhon alareuna (2006) Kaatunut kahdeksan (2006) Huojuva hiljaisuus - O13 (13.9.2007) Missä ovat hohtimet? (11.10.2007) Soivia hankauksia (15.11.2007) Picassoa ajatellen (23.10.2009) (2014) |
Work as a dancer |
Aviary (1989) Peter and the Wolf (1989) Dancing to the Promised Land (1991) Rain (1991) Sprint (1991) Tanssia Tuusulan rantatiellä (1994) Fairground Attraction (1995) Hillitön Hilma ja Levoton Lempi (1995) Mythology (1995) Priestesses of Vespa (1995) Tuulen tuomat (1996) The Shadowless (1996) Tapaus Ellipsi (1998) in the middle of (1999) The Golden Cut (1999) Dots II (2001) Dotted Lines II (2001) Search, replace, save (2001) Neljäs maisema (2003) H on verhon alareuna (2006) Kaatunut kahdeksan (2006) Huojuva hiljaisuus - O13 (2007) Missä ovat hohtimet? (2007) Soivia hankauksia (2007) Picassoa ajatellen (2009) Det är lätt att dansa på svenska (2012) (2014) |
Other artistic work |
Work in theatre: Eiffeltornin hääjuhla (The ostrich), dir. Jaakko Murtomäki, Koppiteatteri, Ateneum Hall 2001. Work as a teacher: Espoo Ballet Institute 2002 (jazz dance); Degree program in Drama and Theatre at the Helsinki Polytechnic (a course in dance and creative expression) 2000, University of Helsinki, A co-project of The Faculties of sosiology, esthetics and art education and Cassandra -project, Science, body and art -workshop 2000; Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy (dance-and movement courses in bodily expression)1997, 1988; Dance Studio Tanssihyrrä, Espoo (children's dance, jazz dance) 1995-1996; Association of Music in Northern Espoo (children's dance, jazz dance) 1994-1995. |
Grants and awards |
Grants: City of Helsinki 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007; The Theatre Academy of Finland 2003, Finnish Cultural Foundation 1997, Art Council of Uusimaa 1996, Luther College, Iowa, USA, Hong Endowed Scholarship 1990; Finland-US Educational Exchange Commission, Wigeland Scholarship 1988-1989, 1990-1991. |
Literature and articles |
Own articles: Tanssiko muka työtä? Selvitys tanssitaiteilijoiden työllistymiseen vaikuttavista rakenteellisista tekijöistä, Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisu no 29. 1998. |
Other Information |
Positions of trust: member of the board of the Glims & Gloms Dance Company association 2000 onwards; European League for the Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) - member of the steering committee of the research project "Making a Living from the Arts ? - Exploring ways of improving the emloyability of artists in Europe", 2000. Other education: Master of Social Sciences, University of Tampere, International School of Social Sciences, Finland 1992-1995; Master of Social Sciences, University of Tampere 1996. |