Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Klevering, Jaana

Profession Dancer
Dance Instructor
Country Finland
Training Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, de Teaterschool, Opleiding Moderne Dans (now School voor Nieuwe Dans Ontwinkkeling) 1980-1983; Theatre Academy of Finland, Department of Dance 2001-2003.
Vocal Dance and Body Mind Centering professional training program, Amsterdam 1993-1994, 1998-2001; Choreodrome at the Turku School of Art and Communication, 1994; member of the training group of Authentic Movement, under the guidance of Marcia Plevin 1996-1998.
Choreographed Last Blast (1991)
Terezine (1991)
Urban Nature (1992)
Through Merrow Through Bone (1993)
Luista ja ytimistä 1 (1993)
"I was moved to see her move" (1995)
Floor Work (19.2.1995)
Niitä, Näitä Noita (1995)
Nostatus (1995)
Outo itselleni (1995)
Rauha 95 (1995)
Great Void (1996)
Mateli (1998)
Hiljaisuuksia (24.5.1999)
Uurros (2000)
Uurros osa 2 (2000)
Intensiiviset kaksitoista (2001)
Utua (2001)
Mulla ei oo mitään päällepantavaa (15.3.2007)
Soolo itselle ja toiselle - Kaksi asennetta tilaan (28.9.2007)
Work as a dancer Last Blast (1991)
Terezine (1991)
Floor Work (1993)
Luista ja ytimistä 1 (1993)
Through Merrow Through Bone (1995)
Niitä, Näitä Noita (1995)
Nostatus (1995)
Outo itselleni (1995)
Great Void (1996)
Mateli (1998)
Hiljaisuuksia (1999)
Uurros (2000)
Kannattele! (2002)
Mulla ei oo mitään päällepantavaa (2007)
Soolo itselle ja toiselle - Kaksi asennetta tilaan (2007)
Other artistic work Work as a teacher: Head of Dancer's Education at the Outokumpu Vocational Institution 1998-2001; European Dance Development Center, Arnhem; Theatre Academy of Finland, Helsinki; Degree Progamme in Dance at the Kuopio Conservatory, special groups and Continuing Education of Danceat the Turku School of Art and Communication, Dance Therapy Trainingat the Pohjois-Karjala Polytechnic, Vantaa Dance Institute, Espoo Ballet School, Lappi Ballet School, Orivesi Institute, Pohjois-Karjala Institute, Keski-Pohjanmaa Institute, Voionmaa Institute.
Other work as a dancer: Member of the Rajat'on Group 1995-1997; Terezine (chor. Jaap Klevering), performance and video recording in Czechoslovakia 1991.
A founder member and an organizer of the DoDance - Center for New Dance 1987-1991, member of the Zodiac Presents Association 1993-1995; founder and a member of the production team of the Oudot Kuviot Festival since 1999; ProImpro Collective for Artists, founder member, 2000.
Jaana Klevering has worked intensively with improvisation and physical theatre since 1984. Her collaborators have included Jaap Klevering, visual artist Petr Rehor, musicians Sanna Kurki-Suonio, Liisa Matveinen, Wimme Saari, Sakari Luoma, Timo Seppälä and Eija Kankaanranta, choreographer Riitta Pasanen-Willberg, dancer Pia Lindy, textile artist Pia Nieminen, lighting designers Tiina Sunell and Jari Haavikko.
Grants and awards Grants: three-year state grant to artists 2002.
Other Information Positions of trust: member of the Arts Council of North Carelia 1998-2000, member of the workgroup of dance of the Arts Councils of Eastern Finland 1998 onwards, member of the vocational dance education curriculum workgroup of the National Board of Education, 2000-2001.
Regional artist in dance of the Vaasa County 1984-1986.
Organizer of the European Contact Improvisation Teachers Exchange Conference 1989.
Other education: studies in singing, with Eija Orpana and Anna-Kaisa Liedes 1994-1998.