Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Linnusmäki, Tuula

Date of birth 3.6.1959
Profession Dancer
Dance Instructor
Country Finland
Training Education: Ballet School of Anneli Suova 1968-1979 (Vaganova technique), Modern Dance Shcool of Taru Arho 1977-1991, Dance School of Ruth Matso 1977-1987 (contemporary ballet), Dance School of Elwa Molin 1977-1985 (jazz dance, modern dance); Theatre Academy of Finland, Continuing Education Centre, continuing education for dance pedagogues TO 3 1991-1993 (19 credits); Theatre Academy of Finland, Continuing Education Centre, actors' work for dancers 1998, 1999 (6 credits); dance pedagogue competency granted by the Theatre Academy of Finland 2003.
Courses: several courses in Finland 1977 – 1991, organised by e.g. Tampere Summer University, The Union of Finnish Dance Artists, Kuopio Dance Festival. Teachers including e.g. Jekaterina Malahovskaja, Anna Price, Clay Taliaferro, Janice Redman, Hans Fullig, Elisabeth Frich, Albert Reid, Tarja Rinne, Larrio Ekson, Jaana Klevering, Jaap Klevering, Soile Lahdenperä, Ulla Koivisto, Reijo Kela, Ester Naparstok, Seija Simonen, Masaki Ivana, Jorma Uotinen.
Education abroad: Balett Akademie, Stockholm 1979 (6 months, classical ballet, modern dance), 1983 (1 month, classical ballet, modern dance); Paris 1985 (2 months, modern dance), 1988 (1 month, modern dance).
Choreographed Väsyneet jalat (1985)
Yoko -Tai (7.11.1986)
Kolikkotanssit (30.9.1989)
Kuinkas sitten kävikään (16.11.1989)
Totte ja Jalmari (25.10.1989)
Tupun ja Jallun Iskelmätaivas (15.8.1990)
Huonosti vartioitu poika (14.8.1991)
Orvokkeja äidille (1992)
Satujen sankarit (1993)
Vanhan kanan mietteitä (25.3.1993)
Hassut hurjat hirviöt (22.2.1994)
Finlandia-sarja 1: Isänmaa, äidinkieli (17.8.1995)
Joulukuvaelma: arkihuolesi kaikki heitä (1995)
Finlandia-sarja 2: Suomi-neidon henkinen tila ja tulevaisuus (14.8.1996)
Aika on. On aika (2014)
Joukkojen juhla (2019)
Work as a dancer Kaamos ja yötön yö (1978)
Sukkelus (1978)
Virta (1979)
Ku - Gu - Ku (1980)
Seireenit (1981)
Unesta valveille (1981)
Sanaton syrjähyppy (1982)
Suden vuosi (1982)
Paratiisilapset (1983)
Täysikuu (Hämäläinen) (1983)
Oratorio Picassolle ja kolmelle naistanssijalle (1984)
Siirto (1984)
Tanssiva kuvakirja (1984)
Pidetään pitkiä pitoja (1985)
Syvyyden pinnalla (1985)
Väsyneet jalat (1985)
Monta mieltä (1986)
Yoko -Tai (1986)
Kuumeinen karkumatka (1987)
Ritual (Koivisto) (1987)
Ärviset (1988)
Kuinkas sitten kävikään (1988)
Matkaliput olkaa hyvä (1988)
Seuraavaan päivään (1988)
Huoneita (Hämäläinen) (1989)
Kolikkotanssit (1989)
Piirileikki (1989)
Totte ja Jalmari (1989)
Rakkautta (1990)
Sirkusjuttuja (1990)
Tupun ja Jallun Iskelmätaivas (1990)
Installaatio I (1991)
Leo G. Bardi (1991)
Puutarha (Hämäläinen) (1991)
Oi ihana Panama (1992)
Orvokkeja äidille (1992)
1500 kg (1993)
Helmi-tapahtuma (1993)
Satujen sankarit (1993)
Suppa (1993)
Vanhan kanan mietteitä (1993)
Hassut hurjat hirviöt (1994)
Teuvo (1994)
Finlandia-sarja 1: Isänmaa, äidinkieli (1995)
Joulukuvaelma: arkihuolesi kaikki heitä (1995)
Café Blöö (1996)
Finlandia-sarja 2: Suomi-neidon henkinen tila ja tulevaisuus (1996)
Rakkautta 2 TV:lle ja 3 ihmiselle (1997)
Tasapainossa - vaakalaudalla (2005)
Aika on. On aika (2014)
Other artistic work Work as a teacher: modern dance classes at the University of Tampere 1982-1983, Workers' Institute of Nokia 1982-1991, Dance Studio Margit Garpelan, Pori 1983-1984; Modern Dance School of Mänttä 1983-1987, Modern Dance Shcool of Taru Arho, Tampere 1983-1991; Department of Acting of the University of Tampere 1984-1985, Modern Dance School of Ylöjärvi 1986-1987, Youth group of the Congregation of Nokia 1990-1991, Youth society of Pohjaslahti 1990, 1991; Youth society of Tallinn 1990, Dance society of Tartto 1990, Youth society of Vuorentausta 1991, children's dance at the Savonlinna Music Institute 1991, Cultural Office of the City of Savonlinna 1991 (modern dance), contemporary dance classes at the Harjavalta Open college (basic education in the arts) 1992-1996, Pirkanmaa College of Arts and Crafts 1996; Pori Theatre Youths 1995, 1998, 1999, 2002-2004; Tampere Vocational Adult Education Centre, 1997-1999; Satakunta Polytechnic, community theatre education 1998, 1999; Tampere Polytechnic, School of Art and Media 2000; contemporary dance classes at the Lempäälä Institute 2001-2004; Turku Unit of the Humanities Polytechnic, community arts' producer education 2003.

Work as a dancer in theatre: Ghetto, dir. Timo Ojala, chor. Ruth Matso, Tampere Theatre 1987 – 1988; "Kohtaus", Hansel and Gretel, script and perfomance Tuula Linnusmäki, Petri Mäkipää, Theatre Telakka 1998; Tuhatta ja tätä yötä varten, dir. Petri Mäkipää, Theatre Telakka 2002.
Work as a dancer in TV and in dance videos: Iltatanssit, prod. Arja Nurmi, YLE TV 2 1988; Hiiuli-Hei, dir. Juhani Nättilä, YLE TV 2 1988; Kuu ja puu, dir. Kalle Pursiainen, chor. Marjo Hämäläinen, YLE TV 2 1988; Kuinkas sitten kävikään, prod. Arja Nurmi, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo, YLE TV 2 1988; Uusi fasismi, ed. Jarmo Nieminen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo; YLE TV 2 1989; Kultainen nuoruus, ed. Jarmo Nieminen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo; YLE TV 2 1993; F/D-art (dance video), realisation Ari Keskinen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, 1993; Satujen sankari (dance video), realisation Ari Keskinen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Minna Saari; Valinta, dir. Irma Silvennoinen, YLE TV 1 1995.
Work as a choreographer in theatre: Kuinkas sitten kävikään, prod. Arja Nurmi, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo, YLE TV 2 1988; Uusi fasismi, ed. Jarmo Nieminen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo; YLE TV 2 1989; Kultainen nuoruus, ed. Jarmo Nieminen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo; "Kohtaus", Hansel and Gretel, script and perfomance Tuula Linnusmäki, Petri Mäkipää, Theatre Telakka 1998; Cotton factory girls - a piece for one hundred sewers and sewing machines, production, concept, choreogrpahy and direction by Tuula Linnusmäki and Minna Saari, part of the City of Tampere's 220th Anniversary celebration programme, 1999; Valoa hiljaisuudessa, a light art work in the honour of Saint Birgitta, Lempäälä 2003.
Grants and awards Grants: Arts Council of the Province of Häme 1983, 1985, 1988; City of Tampere 1984, 1987, 1991; Central Arts Council 1986, City of Helsinki 1991, Arts Council of the Province of Turku and Pori 1993, Arts Council of Pirkanmaa 1998, 1999, 2004; Municipality of Lempäälä 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003; Alfred Kordelin Foundation 2000.
Awards: JussinHessun Statue for a cultural act in Tampere (for the work Cotton factory girls) 1999.
Videography and TV recordings Kuinkas sitten kävikään, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Jari Sihvo, prod. Arja Nurmi, YLE TV 2 1988; F/D-art (dance video), realisation Ari Keskinen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, 1993; Satujen sankari (dance video), realisation Ari Keskinen, chor. Tuula Linnusmäki, Minna Saari.
Other Information Positions of trust: member of the board of the Perpetuum Mobile Association 1977-1988, member of the board of the Union of Finnish Dance Artists 1986-1988, member of the board of the Support Association of Dance Theatre Mobita 1977-1991, 1993-1997, chairman 1989-1991, 1997-1999; member of the council of the Municipality of Lempäälä 2001-2002, chairman of the committee for sustainable development of the Municipality of Lempäälä 2001 onwards, member of the board of Kuokkala school 2001 onwards, chairman of the Support Assocation of Etelä-Pirkanmaa Music Insititute 2003 onwards, member of the board of the Lempäälä Walkers Association 2003 onwards, member of the National Council for Dance 2004 onwards.
Other work experience: Support Association of Dance Theatre Mobita – producer, responsible for finances and administration 1977 – 1991, 1993 – 1996; director 1997, producer-coordinator 1999.
Other education: Pirkanmaa Institute for Nursing, registrated mental health nurse 1980, Helsinki Open University - Introduction to philosophical thinking 2003 (2 credits), Basic studies in special needs pedagogy 2003 (15 credits), Basic studies in behavioural studies 2003 (15 credits); Open University at the Theatre Adacemy of Finland, teaching of Drama and Theatre 2004 (15 credits).