Dance Info Finland
Tervetuloa Tanka
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In period of time
Hallberg, Ulrika
Work as a dancer
Korttipeli: Five of Diamonds (1970)
Ballet Anatomy: legs (1971)
Le foyer de la danse: Dancer (1972)
Vuodenajat (Glazunov): Spring (1972)
Kiusaukset: Witch (1973)
Coppelia (Saint-Leon): Swanilda (1974)
Scaramouche: Blondelaine (1974)
Ballet Sports: On gym (1975)
Lemminkäinen (Eck): The Swan of Tuonela (15.1.1976)
Petrushka (Sylvestersson): The Ballerina (1978)
Raportti: Girl (1978)
Romeo and Juliet (Sylvestersson): Juliet (1979)
Giselle (Lavrovski): Giselle (1981)
Pas de quatre (1981)
The Wolf's Bride (Sylvestersson) (1981)
La Fille Mal Gardée (Spoerli) (1982)
Symphony in D-Major (1982)
Don Quixote (Trinchero) (1983)
Four Last Songs: III song (1983)
Concerto Barocco (1984)
Le Loup (The Wolf): Bride (1984)
The Midsummer Night's Dream: The Longing for Love (1985)
The Nutcracker (Grigorovitsh): Chinese doll (1985)
The Nutcracker (Grigorovitsh) (1985)
Poème (Sylvestersson) (1985)
The Elective Affinities (1985)
Victim (Uotinen) (1986)
Loviisa (1987)
The Four Temperaments: Theme III (1987)
Dances in the Evening (1987)
Lady of the Camellias (1988)
D.C. (1989)
The Ragtime Dance Company: Film star (1989)
Gala Performance: French ballerina (1990)
Giselle (Coralli-Perrot-Petipa, Pavlova) (1990)
Salome: Salome (1990)
Divertimento No. 15: III Variation (1991)
As You Like It: Celia, the daughter of Duke Frederick (1992)
The Cable (1993)
The Rite of Spring (Nijinsky): 300-year-old woman (1994)
Spartacus (Kekäläinen) (1998)
Uni - Dröm (Lindfors) (1999)
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