Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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picture278.jpg Photo: Rolf Siegenthaler

Arne, Jenni

Date of birth 25.3.1971
Profession Dancer
Dance Instructor
Air artist
Country Finland
Email jenni@oeffoeff.ch
Training Ballet School of Amica Backman, Helsinki 1980-1982; Jazz Dance School of Tamara Rasmussen, Helsinki 1983-1993; Tanssivintti Dance School, Helsinki 1986-1989; Bachelor of Arts Degree in Contemporary Dance and Choreography, London 1993-1996; Master of Arts Degree in Performance, London 1996-1998; danceWEB scholarship programme, Internationale Tanzwochen Wien 1998.
Engagements Öff Öff Productions: dancer, air artist, choreographer (2001 - 2002)
Öff Öff Productions: dancer, air artist, choreographer (2001 - 2002)
Öff Öff Productions: dancer, air artist, choreographer (2001 - 2002)
Choreographed TWO2 - for double edge
The Three Corners of Myself (1996)
Twins ahead (22.3.2001)
Work as a dancer Could you please carry this for me Please (1997)
Roses are Red, Violence is Blue (1997)
Touching Zulu (1997)
Bodyletter (1998)
The Difficult Whole (1998)
eigenreigen - eine entfremdung (1999)
Gipfel Zeichen (1999)
In der Dunkelheit wiegen die Worte doppelt (1999)
Afrodisias (2000)
Tellische&andere Spiele (2000)
Abgesonderte Sterne (2001)
The Bridge (2001)
Twins ahead (2001)
CodeDecode (2003)
TWO2 - for double edge (2003)
Other artistic work Work as a teacher: professional class at Tanzhaus Wasserwerk, Zürich 2000 onwards; professional class at the On/Off Werkstatt, Bern 1998-1999, 2000 onwards; Carole Meier repertory at the Akar Studio, Bern 2000; Department of Dance of the Theatre Academy of Finland, 1999-2000, 2003; modern dance classes in private dance schools 1996-1999: Jazz Dance School of Tamara Rasmussen, Helsinki; Helsinki Dance Institute, Dance Studio Footlight, Helsinki.
Other work as a choreographer: C.o.n.n.e.c.t., youth project, in cooperation with Heidi Aemiseigger, Rico Grandjean and Susanne Schneider, Brandenburg 2001; Deux-Piece, in cooperation with Heidi Aemisegger, Hochschule für Theater und Musik, Zürich 2001; Transit BE (youth musical), dir. Ueli Bichsel, choreography in cooperation with Heidi Aemisegger, EXPO 02, Bern 2002.
Other work as a dancer and air artist: GipfelZeichen (site specific work), Tina Mantel Tanzt, Rigi mountain 1999 (dancer); eye-bridge (air spectacle), öff öff productions, Kirchenfeldbrucke, Bern 2003 (dancer, air artist); Sèraphin (opera), Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin, Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Berliini 2003 (dancer, air artist).
Grants and awards Grants: Swedish Cultural Foundation 1987, 1995, 2001; Föreningen Konstsamfundet 1987, The Cultural and Library Committee of Helsinki 1987, London Contemporary Dance School 1995, 1996, 1997; Central Arts Council 1998, National Council for Dance 2001.
Awards: Art Event for Youth 1985, Arktiset Askeleet dance event 1991.
Other Information Other education: University of Helsinki - studies in psychology 1991-1993.