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Karttunen, Jari
Date of birth | 25.11.1966 |
Profession |
Dancer Dance Instructor Choreographer Special education teacher |
Country | Finland |
Training | Theatre Academy of Finland, Department of Dance; Kuopio Conservatory. |
Engagements |
Common Ground Dance Theatre: dancer (1991 - 1991) Danseteater Micado Danse Ensemble: dancer (1991 - 1992) Dance Theatre MD (Mobita/Dansco): dancer-choreographer (1997 - 2000) |
Choreographed |
(2000) La Fiesta Termina (2001) Taivaspaikka (2003) (2005) IloValoVoimaa Varjojen Laaksossa (7.8.2009) Impromptu (2009) Puhdas (2012) Ruusuja, risuja ja rakkautta (2012) Seuralaiset (2013) Susirakkautta (2013) Tanssivat runot (2013) |
Work as a dancer |
Hurmaa 1 (1997) The Nightingale (Vilonen): emperor of China (1997) Tanssiva kuvakirja (1997) 3 sisarta ja ?! - eli leikin loppu (1998) Wedding Gig (1998) Disturbance (1999) Three Little Pigs: Twig-lady (1999) Three Little Pigs: The Wolf (1999) Night of Glass (1999) Lootus (1999) (2000) La Fiesta Termina (2001) Momentum 1 (2002) Momentum 2 (2002) Taidepappilan yö (2003) Taivaspaikka (2003) (2005) IloValoVoimaa Varjojen Laaksossa (2009) Lumikuningatar (Jari Karttunen) (2010) Wasket Catwalkilla (2010) Puhdas (2012) Ruusuja, risuja ja rakkautta (2012) Ikuna - tanssien piirtyvä minä (2013) Seuralaiset (2013) Susirakkautta (2013) Tanssivat runot (2013) |
Other artistic work |
Work as a dancer: Lahti City Theatre 1995 - 1996; Dance Theatre Ruisräikkä, Joensuu 1994 - 1995. Work as a teacher: Senior lecturer, Keskuspuisto Vocational Institute 2004 onwards; head of dance eduction, Eastern Finland Sports Institute 2001–2004; principal, Pohjois-Karjala Dance Institute. Artistic adviser, Pohjois-Karjala Dance Institute 2004–2008. Work as a choreographer: choreographies for musicals, choreographies for dance school students; Lauri (own solo) 2000; as a dancer-choreographer in the Duo Jari Karttunen - Leena Parviainen 2006–2010. Work as a dancer in TV productions and films: Badding (film), dir. Markku Pölönen, chor. Tiina Brännare, 2000; The Nightingale, chor. Outi Vilonen, dir. Olli Löytönen, YLE TV2 1998; Hurmaa 1, chor. Tero Saarinen, dir. Anja Nurmi, YLE TV2 1998. Other work in TV: Benner & Benner (as an actor), MTV3, 2001. |
Grants and awards |
Grants: Six-month state grant to artists 2004, one-year state grant to artists 1992, 2000. Awards: Best Practise, Transmission Art Education, London 2006; art award of the City of Joensuu 2003; Kulttuuriteko Award, Pohjois-Karjala Arts Council 2002. |
Literature and articles |
"Tanssija uusilla näyttämöillä." Voimavirtaa arkeen. Taide ja kulttuuri sosiaalialan työssä. "Different contexts: Changing Practise." Transmission. The Creative Worker: new perspectives for the arts in Europe. "Tanssitaiteen soveltavasta käytöstä rajapinta-ajatteluun." Matka onneen ja inhimillisyyteen. "Tanssitaiteilijana sosiokultuurisen hoitotyön projektissa." Tanssin strategia 2010-2020: Työpapereita. "Ulkopuolisena unversumissa" Runoteos, 2015. ISBN 978-952-93-5446-7. |
Videography and TV recordings | Taru TV, 2004; Valssi (short film), YLE TV1, 2003; Dimac - firedance 1989. |
Other Information |
Positions of trust: Verdis vertaismentorit, chair 2015-2017. Artistic counselor of Pohjois-Karjalan tanssiopisto 2004-2010; member of the network Culture and Health 2006 onwards, member of the council of representatives of Vocational Dance Educations (TAKE) 2004 onwards, regional contact person of the Union of Finnish Dance Artists 2002 – 2004, member of the board of the Union of Finnish Dance Artists 2001 – 2003, vice member of the board for culture and leisure time, City of Joensuu 1997 – 1999. |