Tervetuloa Tanka - suomalaisen tanssin tietokantaan

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Grönholm, Ninel

Date of birth 24.7.1962
Profession Dance Instructor
estrade artist
Country Finland
Email ninel@jippii.fi
Training Broadway Dancecenter, New York 1995 (tap dance); dance school Tanssivintti, Helsinki 1988-1992 (classical ballet, jazz dance); Helsinki City Theatre 1983-1985 (modern dance with Jorma Uotinen), Helsinki Dance Institute 1981-1983 (as a dance teacher trainee), 1980-1982 (modern dance with Eeva Kaario, Reijo Kela, Ervi Sirén).
Courses: Amsterdam Theaterschool 1982, 1983 (modern dance, improvisation).
Choreographed Black Canasta (1986)
Babu and Talik (1989)
Other artistic work Work as a teacher: Helsinki Dance Institute, 1990-1992 (tap dance), 1997 onwards (children's dance); Hämeenlinna Dance Institute 1994-1995 (tap dance), Kerava Dance Institute 1991-1992 (tap dance), jazz dance in several workers' institutes and open colleges, 1988-1992.
Work as an estrade artist: show band Kloonisiskot (vocals, dance, speaker), 1995-1998; Tivoli Tempo (speaker, vocals, tap dance, accordion), Performanssisirkus Association 1997; Shagabum (speaker, vocals, tap dance), Theatret Step Two 1996; Sirkus Bohemia (speaker, vocals, dance), Kuopio Dance Festival 1995; Markku Arokanto Show (speaker, dance) 1981-1983.
Other work as a choreographer: show band Kloonisiskot 1995-2002; Victoria and her Hussar (operetta), Kerava Opera Society 1995; The White Horse Inn (operetta), Ypäjä Music Theatre 1994.
Work as an actor, choir singer and statist: Matka Uraniaan (play, role: Lettu), Onnellisten aika Productions, Heimola Film Association 1991; Carmen (I soprano, choir), Kotka Opera 1993; Annie Get Your Gun (role: Dolly), Jamilahti Folk High School 1993; statist in the Helsinki City Theatre 1983-1984; West Side Story (role: Baby-John), Riihimäki Theatre 1980; Kalle Aaltosen morsian (dance, choir), Helsinki Operetta Theatre 1980, 1990.
Other Information Music studies at the East Helsinki Music Institute 1983 – 1994, Oren Brown Voice Seminar 1989, 1990, 1992; singing lessons with Sona Ardontz, Italy 1988.
Theatre studies: music theatre programme of the Jamilahti Folk High School 1992 – 1994.